Write Your Own Book – Spirituality


Write your own book says the sage. Let is be the story you write on your heart. Stay there and read it. Roam around in your own heart not the world. In the world there is only suffering. In my last posts about the Christian Mystics, we gather these blessed souls were speaking from their own book. Their language most definitely was not day-to-day conversation as we know it. The Mystics had revelations which one has to assume came from something deeply heartfelt.

Perhaps this gentle hint  from Bhagawan Nityananda one day will  become a thunder-clap to get on with it. We should take note!  

Here is a small excerpt from B. Nityananda and his message to his devotees.


Here’s how the story goes:

“My Babaji watched me read endless books. He must have wondered when I would stop reading. It wasn’t that I was holding on to the books – the books were holding me. This is what happens when you have an addiction. You just keep on wanting the same experience and whatever you are addicted to, holds on to you. You can be addicted to wine, drugs, or money. They will hold on to you until you realise that we create our addictions and they keep us prisoner.

Finally one day my teacher called me close to him and said: “What’s that you are reading?” I answered, “It’s an Upanishad”.

Dust! He often used the word ‘Dust’ to describe everything that was not of spiritual value. He went on, “Do you know how this book was written? Books are created by someone else’s mind. The mind creates books. Books have not yet ever created a mind. Where’s your mind? Where has it gone? Instead of reading someone else’s mind, read your own. Put those books aside and meditate. When you meditate, true knowledge will spring forth from you. You won’t have to read books. Inner knowledge is far more superior. Write your own book with your own mind. Meditate. Many books will flow from you.”

What my teacher was saying dawned on me immediately. This truth will dawn upon you too when you tap that centre of knowledge within yourself. So far, you are dwelling only in the eye-centre, which is the centre of the waking state and the throat-centre, which is the centre of dreams. You haven’t yet reached the heart-centre, which becomes active during meditation.

This is the centre of knowledge, a creative centre within, and when you reach that place of knowledge, great poetry and literature spring up spontaneously. This is how the scriptures were written and composed. All the scriptures emanate from this centre of knowledge.

How can you experience your own inner Truth in outer books? Books may be able to draw the map of the Inner Truth. But how can you experience ‘That’ without going inside? My teacher was a being who would make you open your own inner book and read that.

From page 98 Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri – Swami Muktananda

Very old photos most unclear. The message is clear. Make no mistaking this video is a guide for people interested in meditation and teachings from a  deep Eastern philosophy. I “love” this message and hope you will too. This sweet you tube is for everyone and embraces all cultures and paths. Namaste.

for I.

6 thoughts on “Write Your Own Book – Spirituality

    1. you are welcome. I think you would have enjoyed the christian mystics too.. How are you? Have not seen you around in a long time now… blessings eve. x


  1. Much truth in your writing. Spiritual movement cannot be taught, or gleaned from what is read. Truth is acquired by entering the spiritual dimensions. Such movement cannot be explained through words, but only understood through individual experience.


    1. thanks for your comment. Yes true. I guess most of us are still reading the maps to get to that point. Of course great spiritual people write books – perhaps to aid us to find our own inner book. (I am looking for mine still.) Perhaps you can watch the you tube.. It is a revelation.. So well put together.. eve 🙂


Hope to hear from you!