Re: Speaking Of Sathya Sai Baba’s Light Body, (let’s use the proper term The Subtle Body)   In Kodaikanal 2014 – (and at the “property” in Muddenhalli)
Speaking Of Sathya Sai Baba’s Light Body In Kodaikanal 2014 – More Sathya Sai Memories
I’d forgotten all about Muddenhalli until by chance the name came back to me over this weekend. I remember a friend of mine a Dr. Gulshan buying a house there some 5/6 years ago. A mutual friend of Dr. Gulshan and myself, had visited Muddenhalli and had given me a detailed description of the Sai activities there. I remember that Sai Baba had asked that a college be built. We all thought that Sai Baba would  up sticks from Puttparthi and go live there for his remaining years. I mean the very name Muddenahalli, reminds me of “Away from the Muddening crowd” – sorry about the pun.. Here’s a little about Muddenahalli from a devotee who has kindly written his experiences down in this post.. I don’t know why he has not continued with the blog.. His writing is delightful. The blog title is Sri Ananda Sai Blog..

Whilst laying the Foundation Stone at Muddenahalli on 14 February 2009, the Revered Founder Chancellor stated that, along with secular education, the Muddenahalli Campus would train students to spread the sublime message of Ramayana, Bhagavatham and the Bhagavad Gita. I have listened carefully to the vimeo interview with Sri. N. Murthy, posted at the bottom of this page. During this interview, while  discussing his personal experiences during those final years with Sai Baba, he tells us that Swami visited Muddenahalli on 14th Feb. 2009! That on that day, Swami gave him a gift of a ring.  I don’t know how that was possible without some miraculous intervention, for  I remember 14th of February well, because we were in enjoying Sai’s darshan in the Kuwant Hall.  I remember the day well, being Valentine’s day, we decided to spent the evening dining out in the little Italian Restaurant on the main street in Puttaparthi..


Also the story from Muddenhalli.. thank you.




The Way Forward

Image The Sacred Hill of Skandagiri and the Library Dome at Muddenahalli


This last year has been one of tremendous change in my life… and as I get ready to go back to sacred Muddenahalli after a sojourn of nearly five months at Puttaparthi and Prashanti Nilayam, I thought it would be interesting to share the happenings with all of you who have been observers of the transitions of this life…


In January 2011, I was almost a recluse at my home in Bangalore.. the various religious ceremonies relating to dear Nirmala’s passing had got completed, and both my daughters were back home to their families and their usual routines. Just before they went back, they had queried me,

 “What are your plans? Would you like to come and stay with one or both of us?”

My reply was immediate,’ I…

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A Study In Thought Forms – Daskalos


“The angel answer’d, “Nay, said soul; go higher! To be deceived in your true heart’s desire was bitterer than a thousand years of fire!” – from “A woman’s mind”

Angels and Demons – Thought both ‘Good and Bad’

Thought forms what are they?  What happens when we think good? What happens when we think bad? ‘Thought forms’ and how they affect our minds, bodies, The  Earth, and indeed The Universe, is often a subject that is ignored.  I offer you a study in thought forms from my late teacher Daskalos, a master of healing and a profound spiritual teacher. Below is just a sample lesson, one of many, given on this subject of thought forms. My eternal thanks goes to Daskalo’s spirit for being there just when I needed him. Many thanks goes to Researchers Of Truth Website. I might also mention that the Researchers of Truth do not like their teachings/or works to be broadcast, so as such, I have not posted too many details.

The emotions and desires we express dress our psychical body and thus color, and shape our personality. Yet, at the very core of our bodies and personality the luminosity of our Spirit-Soul radiates untainted. The type, quantity, intensity and purity of our emotions covering the psychical body affect the transmission of our Spirit’s Light within our personality.  The more loving and kind emotions we express, the more that Light shines through the personality. Consequently the happier and more connected to our Spirit-Soul Self we feel. The more fearful, angry or negative emotions we harbor, the less our Spirit Life-Light is able to penetrate our personality and touch the people around us. The same is true with our thoughts and our noetical body. We choose (consciously or sub-consciously) which emotions, desires and thoughts we allow expression. Thus, we are very much responsible for them.

We are dressing and re-dressing, our psychical and noetical bodies in the clothing of our feelings and thoughts constantly. The quality of these emotions and thoughts does not diminish the Light of our Spirit within, but only its ability to be perceived. This Light has been called many names by different cultures across time. Today in western systems, we call it the Christ Light and it is perfectly described by Yohannan (Saint John, the Divine) as the Light of the Logos, which is the light of everyone coming into the world. The use of the word ‘Light’ is a reference to the Self-Awareness within every human being.  It does not matter how revealed or obscured it may be within the personality, it is perfect Life-Light. It is this Light that Mother Theresa referred to when she visited the drug addicts, alcoholics and homeless in the Bowery of New York City (and elsewhere).  Looking upon the derelict personalities, she said: All I see in each of you is Christ in a distressing disguise.

We, as personalities, are able to cover this light or unfold it within our personality.  We do that by the emotions, thoughts, and behaviors we choose to express.  It is possible to clean the personality of negative feelings, thoughts, behaviors and unhealthy attitudes; replacing them with real love, noble intentions and selfless service thus creating a saintly personality. Alternatively, the personality can be so contaminated by hatred, impure desires, negative thoughts, and deviant behaviors, that a truly devilish personality is developed. More commonly, a personality, in between these two extremes, is created. In his parables, Christ often metaphorically referred to the human personality as a house.  A builder constructs a house brick by brick, stone by stone, board by board. We, too, construct our personality piece by piece with the emotions, desires, thoughts and behaviors we repeatedly express.  By these individual expressions, our character is formed and our destiny is sown.

“It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.”


But, what, exactly, is an emotion and what is thought?  What are they made of and where do they come from? Why do some emotions and thoughts have such a powerful influence on us and others do not?  Why is it so difficult to free ourselves from the influences of the undesirable, harmful ones?  These are the questions for a Researcher of Truth.  These questions bring us to one of the most important branches of study within the System for the Research of Truth – ‘the Elementals’.   Every thought, every feeling, and every intention creates and transmits what we call an ‘Elemental’.  Elementals are far more than static units of thought and emotion.  They are living; they have a life of their own and their expression has strength and purpose. Other spiritual teachings call Elementals, thought-forms.  In the ancient Sanskrit language of India, they were known as “Vasanas”. The Buddhists call some types of Elementals “habit energies” and mental formations from our store consciousness (our sub-consciousness).  Certain biologists, psychologists and cognitive scientists have also hit upon the existence of these invisible but powerful forces within the personality of man and the society. They are calling some types of Elementals the “Memes”. These scientists focus on Group Elementals shaping the psychology of our culture. They call their twenty-six year study of these units of cultural transmission ‘Memetics’.   Their description of how Memes work corresponds to Daskalos’ seventy year teachings on how Elementals work.  Elementals range in quality from angelic to devilish.

Christ was calling certain Elementals: “spirits, mute and meaningless”, “unclean spirits”, and still others “evil spirits”.  “Spirits, mute and meaningless” are the pointless distracting feelings and thoughts that clamor for our attention and clutter the shallows of our mind.  “Unclean Spirits” are the negative emotions and thoughts that degrade the personality.  “Evil Spirits” are the devilish Elementals that are destructive to both the host personality and those around it.  Make no mistake about it; these are real devils in every sense of the word.  But they are not true demons.  Humans create them, so we identify them as human in nature devils. If allowed expression within the personality, negative group elementals can grow in power and number to the point of dominating the host personality.  They can even gain a kind of temporary possession over the personality.  They can influence that personality into horrible behaviors, crimes, and in some cases, drive them insane. Christ taught his disciple-healers how to remove the harmful ones from the afflicted personalities they were torturing.  Daskalos and the teachings of the Researchers of Truth also teach how to free the personality from the unwanted elementals as well as how to create Angelic Shield Elementals for our loved ones and our self.

Source: Researchers Of Truth (to whom I offer deep gratitude for their guidance through the years.)