Heart to Heart – Youtube : Heart Sutra – Imee Ooi – Sathya Sai Memories

I met a lady who holds an important office in Swami’s setup. She had many interviews, many visits to her home from Baba, and much more contact besides, especially at Whitefield, where she did the Arathi to Baba for many years. Then she was suddenly, so to speak, ‘Cut off.’ But instead, vibhuthi began to issue from the feet of a Krishna statue Baba had given her.

When the opportunity arose, she asked Baba why he had withdrawn physically from her and her husband. He replied, that they had not fallen from grace at all, but it was because they had grown up now. Later when her husband had died, Baba would ask her, Where is he? She’d reply, Swami, he’s with you. Each time he confirmed, Yes, he is right here, and would touch his heart.


The Sikh traveller

A Sikh on a train travelling somewhere in India was reading a copy of Sanathana Sarathi. His story is that Baba had confirmed a prediction made to him when he had been a small boy in the 1920’s, before Sai’s birth.

A wandering Sikh holy sadhu had told him and his brother that as he was himself about to die, he wanted them to know that, unlike himself, they were to be very fortunate indeed to be alive when the Avatar would incarnate. He would have a big crown of hair. Look like a woman and wear a robe. The Sikh recalled this prediction first when he saw a picture of Sai Baba decades later. He later visited Swami, who told him, Yes, I am the one who looks like a woman. The Sikh does not visit Sai, but lives in a house which Sai showed him in a dream, and which later he found and bought.


Who was he ?

An overseas devotee attended Baba’s college in the late 1970’s. While a student at the college, he became very homesick and wanted to return home, even though Baba had requested he stay on for the full two year programme. The student however, had made up his mind to go home.

Upon trying to leave India, during his travels through Bangalore, Calcutta and Hong Kong, nothing seemed to work out for him. He continuously missed buses, trains and flights.

During the flight into Hong Kong, with very little money, he met a group of travellers who offered to help him find a hotel.After settling down that evening, the group decided to go out to dinner. Not having much money on him, the student decided to have only a small meal, whereas his companions were spending a great deal on food.

While at dinner, an old man with a hat sat at another table near by, and made laughing gestures at their party.

The old man concerned the group so they confronted him, but he would say nothing but continue to make strange gestures. Then when they were not paying attention, the old man seemed to disappear.

After dinner, when they requested the bill, the Matre’D told them the bill had been paid by the old man. The group ran outside hoping to thank him, but he was nowhere to be found.

The student, after arriving home in his country, thought nothing of this incident.

Several months later, his parents went to see Sai Baba in Prashanthi Nilayam. In an interview, Swami told the student’s parents that the old man will not continue to pay for his food bill.

– from a friend at Prasanthi Nilayam,1996