Our Thoughts Are Powerful – Daskalos

Powerful Thought Forms

“The average man is often the victim of his own thought forms. He constructs them, but is neither strong enough to send them out to do their work, nor wise enough to dissipate them when required. This has brought about the thick swirling fog of half-formed, semi-vitalized forms in which eighty five percent of the human race is surrounded.”

-Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul

We are our thoughts made manifest. We, today,  are controlled by fear. Fear is the thought form that feeds today’s world. We are fed fear from the television news, newspapers, and from  corporations,  corrupt govs. and other governing bodies.  What is fear doing?  It  is taking  away our freedom and our will-power to reach the highest we can. We have largely closed our hearts to love in order to survive in a world where only material objects give us monumentality satisfaction. How long can this planet survive such manipulation? I don’t feel we can continue this senseless existence much longer.

We all  need to find again the benevolent  heart of our creation.  There is truth and it is our truth. The truth that each of us carry without our own power source, stored deep within our spiritual hearts.We only need to reconnect once more.

This part of the  universe was rendered fertile and capable of receiving and preserving exquisite  life forms. If we had been allowed to evolve as nature intended, we would have by now evolved  in to a highly advanced race on a blossoming planet.


All our desires, weaknesses, strengths, habitual ways of thinking and behaving create or re-energize elementals.  These come to form our personality and define our character.  It is this personality full of conflicting ideas, feelings and thoughts that we sadly mistake as our real Self.  This personality self is at best a weak shadow of our Real Self cast on the unequal ground of duality.  But to really know and experience this truth, we must shift our sense of identity from our shadow-self to our Real Spirit-Soul Self.  To do this means we must gain mastery over our thoughts and emotions – the elementals we create and re-energize.  Mastering our undesirable emotions and weaknesses does not mean fighting against them and suppressing them with force.  Mastering our emotions and desires means gaining control of them, becoming their master and not their slave.

An elemental has an existence, a life and purpose of its own.  For anything to exist it needs a form.  When we have a desire for an object, for example a type of car, we are creating an elemental, which is getting a form.  In this example, the form of the elemental takes the shape and color of the specific car we desire.  It first forms on our etheric double at the location of the so-called third eye.  At this point before it is projected it is very small in size – the size of the head of a pin.  Yet imprinted in it are all the details we know about the car we desire.  After we project it consciously or subconsciously it tends to take the full size of the object we desire.   All this is visible to a well developed clairvoyant.

These elementals are created through our etheric doubles.  They are composed of etheric substance in varying degrees of purity, accuracy and strength.  Once projected out from us they work to achieve their purpose – to bring about the conditions to manifest the desired object or effect we created them for.

When we harbor and express negative emotions such as despair, jealousy, fear or hatred we create elementals which also get a form.  What form are these destructive elementals getting?   They get the shapes of snakes, beasts and other distressing forms.  They get this form according to the quality of the desires and thought which created them.  Their forms and their colors reveal their natures.  It is really merciful that people can not see the forms of the destructive elementals as it would terrify them.  It may take a clairvoyant to see these forms but anyone can feel them.   If you approach a person you know well and they are having strong negative emotions and thoughts for you it is not difficult to feel this.   Likewise when we are around a loving friend or companion we truly can feel their love for us.

So our good or bad thoughts and emotions are continually creating, or more commonly, re-energizing pre-existing elementals.  It is our choice which ones we attend to and give expression. Thus we are responsible for our own unique set of elementals and their effect on ourselves and those around us.   When an elemental is created it forms on our etheric doubles and is projected out into the common environment.   We literally live in a sea of these etheric sub-spirits.

