The Meaning Of MahaSamadhi Or Shrine – Sathya Sai Baba

I am in your hearts,

You are in Mine.

Don’t be misled

I have come to light the lamp of love in your hearts, to see that it shines day by day with added luster. Sai Baba

You cannot see Me, but I am the Light you see by.
You cannot hear Me, but I am the Sound you hear by.
You cannot know Me, but I am the Truth by which you live. Sai Baba

Isaac Tigrett’s Krishna with flowers – beneath his flat in the ashram. The flat is now vacant. He has joined the Muddenahalli Group.

Sai Baba giving darshan during the 1980s under the old tree in Whitefield

Remembering Sai Baba during darshan

The term guru means one who dispels the darkness of ignorance. Gu means one who is beyond attributes (gunas), ru implies one who is beyond forms (rupas). This refers only to God. That is why the guru is hailed as Brahma, Vishnu, or Siva. Only God is the true guru. All others are merely teachers, like the teachers of different subjects in a college. Guru is the one who reveals the guri (target) to the disciple. Guri here refers to the Aathmic Principle. Picture taken on Gurupoornima late afternoon 2011 – just months after Sai Baba passed.  Notice two rainbows in the sky – they appeared after a storm about 5 p.m. that evening.

By the tree where many seekers sit to reflect on  the memory of Sai Baba – Prashanthi Nilayam 

What is the Significance of Sathya Sai Baba’s Samadhi? ~ We learned from Swami all the  important practises of an aspirant and how to achieve the highest from our practise.  One of the most important spiritual practises that one can incorporate into regular puja is daily worship at the  “jeeva samadhi tomb or shrine.” (Samadhi) The reason being that the guru’s presence is still alive, although not seen, but still conveying energy to all who seek. The shakti energy remains forever in the Shrine of a powerful teacher – much  the same as it did during his life-time. That is to say his energy radiated out to seekers through the  body while he was alive, but now the “same energy” radiates to all from His Shrine. Sai Baba is still working through his vibration,  much as he had done over the decades while alive. Today, Sai Baba’s Samadhi  has a concentrated energy force that permeates all areas of his ashram. Very much like  a vortex of a storm, this energy or shakti is far-reaching.  The uplifting vibrations are  apparent in and around the Shine, embedded as they are, in every nook and cranny of the immediate area of the Samadhi. The guru’s shakti has now become a forceful tool for enlightenment. For those who come to the Shrine to worship and practise, there’s nothing better than the vibrations of the late Sai Baba.

The jeeva samadhi shrines/samadhi of any great gurus can lead aspirants further toward their chosen spiritual goal. The most important first step in all of spiritual life is  awareness, thus the guru is the very one to point that out. Every human-being has the In-dweller source, it is the guru’s job to seek out our very own In-dweller, the liberator of our souls.  Often it takes someone with a powerful shakti to drive us inward to where the source of our being is waiting to be discovered. Our own In-dweller lays dormant until  we are awakened by the forceful shakhi of a true guru/spiritual director. Thus, the search for the In-dweller, the one without a second, is the quest of all living beings.

Of course, for seekers of material gain and those with desires, worship at the jeeva samadhi of their chosen guru can help take away their need to fulfil their desires, for they will focus on the inner life through daily practice. Thus the “material minded” may get what they seek for a while, but  are transformed over time into true seekers. There are “humbug” seekers always, and once the guru is gone, they will leave the ashram, due to lack of interest in  “inner work.” Spiritual awareness and worship at the Shrine/Samadhi is very helpful in turning our minds away from all worldly desires and soon brings peace and a true sense of fulfilment to those seekers who are determined. This is the importance of darshan at the Shrine/Samadhi of a great guru like Sai Baba, or others like Ramana Maharshi  Eve

 Madhusudan mimicking Sai Baba in his new C-ashram

The Dream Of The Planet, Don Miguel Ruiz – Video


A brief post from the Masterful Don Miguel Ruiz, called the “Dream Of The Planet” –  a follow-on from my last post  “Every Human Is An Artist,” (Prayers – A Communion With Our Creator) blogged  from a month ago, and  posted on June 22, 2014 . I hope some of you will remember it...

I thought I’d offer another excerpt from “Prayers – A Communion With Our Creator“, as this little book is just crammed full of gems of wisdom and other truths. All prayer is a communion of the human with the divine. Whether prayers are offered in love or gratitude and inspiration, or from fear, despair, or desperation, we talk heart-to-heart with divine spirit. When we don’t pray, and I must say, I don’t pray as often as I used to, we feel more alone, cut off from our own hearts, and our own power. When I don’t pray, I write posts like this, because positive writing is a prayer, it is an agreement between the heart and the divine, an investment in faith, and helps foster the intent.


~ Thank you, eve

“Together with my new post is kwisital,s eye-catching you tube, “AWAKENING INTO INFINITE LOVE AND LIGHT.”  Kwisital is a French guy with a deft hand with both music and film, he creates pretty amazing you tubes often using English quotations. I love his imagery and his creativity, use of color and sound. I hope you will take two or three minutes to watch his you tube.


The dream of the planet is the dream of all humans together. We can call it society, we can call it a nation, but the result of the creation of the mind, individual and collective, is a dream. The dream can be a pleasant dream that we call heaven or it can be a nightmare, that we call hell. But heaven and hell only exist at the level of the mind.

The human society, the dream of the planet is ruled by lies, and fear is the result. It is a dream where humans judge one another, find one another guilty, and punish one another. Humans use the power of the word to gossip and to hurt one another. Misuse of the word creates emotional poison, and all the emotional poison is in the dream. It goes around the world, and that is what most humans eat:  “emotional poison.”  The dream of the planet prepares newborn humans to believe what it wants them to believe. In that dream, there is no justice; there is only injustice. Nothing is perfect; there is only imperfection. That is why humans eternally search for justice, for happiness, and for love.

For thousands of years people have believe there is a conflict between good and evil in the universe. But this is not true. The real conflicts is between truth and what is not truth. The conflict exists in the human mind, not in the rest of nature. Good and evil are the result of that conflict. Believing in truth results in goodness; believing in and defending what is not truth results in evil. Evil is just the result of believing in lies.

Heart to Heart – An All Powerful Message From The Master – Sathya Sai Memories



ℒℴѵℯ✩ ❤✩•*¨*•♥❤✩•*¨*•♥ ℒℴѵℯ✩IS ❤✩•*¨*•ALL AROUND U♥❤✩•*¨*•♥


No matter where you go, always do your duty as you see it and know that I will be there inside you, guiding you every step of the way.

In the years to come, you will experience me in many different manifestations of my form. You are my very own dearer than dear to me. I will always protect you as the eyelids protect the eyes. You already have me and I have you. I will never leave you and You can never leave me. From this point on, do not hanker after anything. Do your duty with unwavering love seeing all as God. Be patient. In time, everything will be given to you. Be happy. There is no need to worry about anything. Whatever is experienced, whatever happens – know that this Avatar willed it so. You are sacred souls and you will have your part to play in the unfolding drama of the new Golden Age, which is coming.

With love,

this letter was written by Swami and  given to a few. Swami himself had said, this letter will reach only those whom I wish it to :)


Our Thoughts Are Powerful – Daskalos

Powerful Thought Forms

“The average man is often the victim of his own thought forms. He constructs them, but is neither strong enough to send them out to do their work, nor wise enough to dissipate them when required. This has brought about the thick swirling fog of half-formed, semi-vitalized forms in which eighty five percent of the human race is surrounded.”

-Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul

We are our thoughts made manifest. We, today,  are controlled by fear. Fear is the thought form that feeds today’s world. We are fed fear from the television news, newspapers, and from  corporations,  corrupt govs. and other governing bodies.  What is fear doing?  It  is taking  away our freedom and our will-power to reach the highest we can. We have largely closed our hearts to love in order to survive in a world where only material objects give us monumentality satisfaction. How long can this planet survive such manipulation? I don’t feel we can continue this senseless existence much longer.

We all  need to find again the benevolent  heart of our creation.  There is truth and it is our truth. The truth that each of us carry without our own power source, stored deep within our spiritual hearts.We only need to reconnect once more.

This part of the  universe was rendered fertile and capable of receiving and preserving exquisite  life forms. If we had been allowed to evolve as nature intended, we would have by now evolved  in to a highly advanced race on a blossoming planet.


All our desires, weaknesses, strengths, habitual ways of thinking and behaving create or re-energize elementals.  These come to form our personality and define our character.  It is this personality full of conflicting ideas, feelings and thoughts that we sadly mistake as our real Self.  This personality self is at best a weak shadow of our Real Self cast on the unequal ground of duality.  But to really know and experience this truth, we must shift our sense of identity from our shadow-self to our Real Spirit-Soul Self.  To do this means we must gain mastery over our thoughts and emotions – the elementals we create and re-energize.  Mastering our undesirable emotions and weaknesses does not mean fighting against them and suppressing them with force.  Mastering our emotions and desires means gaining control of them, becoming their master and not their slave.

An elemental has an existence, a life and purpose of its own.  For anything to exist it needs a form.  When we have a desire for an object, for example a type of car, we are creating an elemental, which is getting a form.  In this example, the form of the elemental takes the shape and color of the specific car we desire.  It first forms on our etheric double at the location of the so-called third eye.  At this point before it is projected it is very small in size – the size of the head of a pin.  Yet imprinted in it are all the details we know about the car we desire.  After we project it consciously or subconsciously it tends to take the full size of the object we desire.   All this is visible to a well developed clairvoyant.

These elementals are created through our etheric doubles.  They are composed of etheric substance in varying degrees of purity, accuracy and strength.  Once projected out from us they work to achieve their purpose – to bring about the conditions to manifest the desired object or effect we created them for.

When we harbor and express negative emotions such as despair, jealousy, fear or hatred we create elementals which also get a form.  What form are these destructive elementals getting?   They get the shapes of snakes, beasts and other distressing forms.  They get this form according to the quality of the desires and thought which created them.  Their forms and their colors reveal their natures.  It is really merciful that people can not see the forms of the destructive elementals as it would terrify them.  It may take a clairvoyant to see these forms but anyone can feel them.   If you approach a person you know well and they are having strong negative emotions and thoughts for you it is not difficult to feel this.   Likewise when we are around a loving friend or companion we truly can feel their love for us.

So our good or bad thoughts and emotions are continually creating, or more commonly, re-energizing pre-existing elementals.  It is our choice which ones we attend to and give expression. Thus we are responsible for our own unique set of elementals and their effect on ourselves and those around us.   When an elemental is created it forms on our etheric doubles and is projected out into the common environment.   We literally live in a sea of these etheric sub-spirits.
