A Reason And A Season – More Sathya Sai Memories

this you tube is best seen full screen. The photos have been retouched and are now in painterly style and very pretty. enjoy 



Once in Brindavan, as Bhagavan Baba was coming out for Darshan, He saw
four boys standing. Swami stopped and asked one of the boys, “What is
your name?” The boy told Baba his name. Swami then asked the same
question to the other three boys. Two of them gave their names but the
third one said, “I am Swami.” Baba then told that boy, “In that case,
go and give Darshan!” and moved away.

Man certainly is an aspect of God. In fact, as Swami says, man is God.
But this fact must be realised in the heart and not merely understood
in the head. And having realised this basic truth, man must always
have that Godly feeling. Merely declaring, “I am God!” will not do.

Swami in painterly style..