Happy 82nd Birthday Elvis!

Pure unadulterated Sexiness

Happy birthday Elvis Presley – your 82nd. You never stayed around to grow old but your light  and your music has never faded. I remember you from my childhood, when my brother mimicked your moves to the music of “Blue Suede Shoes.”  I used to giggle at his “wiggle” and  often we’d  both end  up on the floor laughing.  I loved your songs and I loved the way you moved and grooved to that old rock and roll music. I don’t have a favourite song from back then – all are magic.  There’s no one like you. Keep on  Dreaming Elvis, wherever you are tonight.

“Before Elvis there was nothing!” ~ John Lennon.


Then the famous singer began to speak, incorporating a favorite Roy Hamilton Rhythm and Blues tune, “Without a Song.”

“When I was a child, ladies and gentlemen, I was a dreamer. I read comic books, and I was the hero of the comic book. I saw movies, and I was the hero in the movie. So every dream I ever dreamed has come true a hundred times. These gentlemen over there, these are the type who care, are dedicated. You realize if it’s not possible that they might be building the Kingdom, it’s not far-fetched from reality. I learned very early in life that: ‘Without a song, the day would never end; without a song, a man ain’t got a friend; without a song, the road would never bend, without a song.’”

About The Video posted.

“Way Down” is a song recorded by Elvis Presley in October 1976, it was the last single released before his death on August 16, 1977. The song was written by Layng Martine, Jr. and was later covered by Status Quo and Cliffhanger. Released as a single (with “Pledging My Love” on the B-side) on June 6, 1977, it was his current single when he died. It was racing up the top 40 when news of his death broke. Shortly after his death, it became the 33rd Number 1 of his career. It reached #1 on both the American Country and British Pop charts just days after his death, and almost six years after his previous Number 1 single. It was re-issued in April 2005 and reached #2 on the UK singles chart.

Good Or Bad, Ignored Or Rejected – Love And Friendship




This little piece of written wisdom was sent to me this morning.  Odd that it was sent today, as if some invisible Messenger was offering me some good advice. Perhaps synchronicity or rather serendipity was at work here, because this piece so fitted the moment. I had just been in a blaming game with someone close to me and I didn’t feel good about it. I don’t know why we play those same old life-games of “blaming” over and over again, knowing full well it benefits no one. Anyway, in posting this on, it provides a poignant reminder that the sun does shine, even when we close our eyes and cannot see the rays that  shine down on us. Eve





 Of course, to live in the world we have to wear clothes and have an identity in order to make our way. But it makes a difference when we can show our heart’s face without any covering. Though we can’t stay this naked, we’re sanctified in such moments to have the ancient air touch our soul. Alex encountered the authority of his own being and the authority of all being on the side of that mountain.

 This inner quality of authority invokes the touchstone of certainty by which we know first-hand that we’re alive. Our inner authority emanates from the nakedness of our soul. Once we remove our masks and opinions, our authority of being resides in whatever point of stillness we can no longer question. Our authority of being resides in the fact of being here, regardless of what circumstance surrounds us, regardless of what we have to put back on to live in the world.

Our awareness of our depth of being is fleeting. Yet just because we close our eyes doesn’t mean the sun has disappeared. And just because we can’t keep the unquestionable fact of being alive in view doesn’t mean that the inherent vitality of life has disappeared. We are more than what happens to us. We are more than what we think or fear. The turbulence we encounter is very real, but underneath what happens to us is the inherent, unwavering fact of life filling us from within.

Under all the tension to belong and fit in, under all the psychological weather, there is a place of stillness that is immune to our submitting and resisting. When we can put down all our reasons and excuses, it’s from this inner plateau of being that we begin to experience life directly again. This sense of utter being doesn’t come from willfulness or determination. It comes when the bottom of our personality nakedly touches the common center of all life. When life-force enters us directly and moves through us completely, our authority of being can’t be denied.

In discovering your own authority of being, you may want to spend time with the great poem SONG OF MYSELF by Walt Whitman. I urge you to read it slowly, and to be in conversation with the places it awakens in you.

And the next time you’re told you’re good or bad, the next time you’re ignored or rejected, I encourage you to practice your inner resolve; not by criticizing yourself or finding yourself wanting, but by climbing to that place in you that is immune to both submitting and resisting, that place of unquestioned certainty about the fact of life, which Walt Whitman confirms in SONG OF MYSELF when he says:


I do not trouble my spirit
to vindicate itself
or be understood;

I see that the elementary
laws never apologize.

I exist as I am—that is enough;

If no other in the world
be aware, I sit content;

And if each and all be aware,
I sit content.

Beyond all vindication and blame, the fundamental truth of our existence—the bare fact of our being—can outlast our doing.

Once we remove our masks
and opinions, our

authority of being resides
in whatever point

of stillness we can no
longer question.

Mark Nepo – From an article in Parabola Mag. issue 41

“Krishna’s Song” – The Gopis Lament – Inspiritual Quotations

“O loved one, show yourself! Your devotees, whose lives are sustained in you, are searching for you everywhere.

You are taking our life, O Lord of autumn; your glance excels in beauty the heart of a beautiful lotus perfectly born in autumn from a pool of water. We are your maidservants, we do not ask for any payment. Isn’t this killing us, O bestower of favours?

O bull among men, we have been continuously protected by you from destruction from the poisonous water, from the wicked demon, from the winds and rains, from fire and lightning, from the bull of Arista, from the son of Maya, and from fear from all sides.

You are not, in fact the son of a gopi. You are the witness of the inner self in all embodied beings. Being, petitioned by Brahma, you become manifest in the family of the Satvatas, O friend, for the protection of the Universe.

Place your lotus hand on the head of those who have approached you out of fear of the material world, O foremost of the Vrsni clan. Your hand, which holds the hand of Sri Lakshmi, bestows fearlessness and fulfills desires, O lover.

You are the hero of women, and you take away the pain of the people of Vraj! The pride of your devotees is annihilated by your smile! Accept your maidservants, friend! Show us your beautiful lotus face!

Place your lotus feet upon our breasts. Your feet have been placed in the hoods of the serpent Kaliya and follow the animals to the pasture. They are the abode of the goddess of fortune, Sri, and they removed the sins of submissive embodied beings. Excise Kama, who dwells within your hearts.

O hero, these women obedient to your will are stunned by your sweet voice, your charming words which please the mind and the intelligence, and your lotus eyes. Reinvigorate us with the intoxicating liquid of your lips.

Those who repeat the sweetness of your words in this world are munificent. These words are praised by poets, spread abroad, are are auspicious to hear. They are life-giving for those who are suffering. They remove sins and bring good fortune.

Your bursts of laughter, pleasing looks of love, and pastimes are auspicious to contemplate. Those meetings in secret places touch our hearts, you cheater, and perturb us thoroughly.

When you go from Vraj grazing the animals, O Lord, your feet, beautiful as lotuses, are troubled by blades of grass and corn stubble, and so we feel distress. You are our beloved.

You possess a lotus face, surrounded by blue locks of hair which you constantly display covered with thick dust at the end of the day. Your arouse Kama in our heart, O hero.

O lover, place your most beneficent lotus feet on our breasts. They fulfill the desires of the humble and should be meditated upon in trouble, O destroyer of anxiety. They are worshipped by the lotus-born Brahma, and are the ornament of the earth.

Bestow upon us the nectar of your lips, O hero, which have been thoroughly kissed by the flute as it plays music. It destroys sorrow, increases the pleasures of love, and causes men to forget other passions.

When you, Lord, go to the forest during the day, a moment becomes an Age for those who do not see you. He who created eyelashes is dull-witted, from the perspectives of those beholding your beautiful face, with its curled locks of hair.

Acyuta, you are the knower of movements. Bewildered by our song, we have thoroughly neglected our husbands, sons, family, brothers and kinsfolk, and come before you. Who would abandon women in the night, you rogue?

We have become unsettled from contemplating your broad chest, the abode of Sri Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune, as well as your looks of love, your smiling face and the meetings in secret places which aroused Kama. We long for you intensely all the time.

Your incarnation is for the good of the universe, and dispels the distress of the people of Vraj. Deliver a little of that medicine which removes the ailment from the hearts of your devotees to us. Our hearts yearn for you.

We gently place your tender lotus feet on your rough breasts with trepidation. You wander in the forest on them and our minds are disturbed: what is they had been hurt by small stones? Your Lordship is our life.”

– the lament of the Gopis for Krishna from KRISHNA: THE BAGAVAD PURANA BOOK TEN trans Edwin F Bryant (ISBN 0140447997)

Krishna’s Song is a deeply profound piece of writing. I like the translation into English and feel it deserves a place on this blog. Radha though is not a woman but is the manifestation of Krishna-bhakti . In response to the question, “How devoted should one be?”‘ the Naradbhaktisutra writes, “Like the Gopis (Cowherd Girls) of Vraj.”  In reality , these Gopis are incarnations of Rishis.

It is best to read  Krishna’s Song first,  Radha’s Lament should follow…

Much thanks to Jake Murray for bringing my attention to Krishna’s Song.

Vedic Song – Inspirational Quotations

Although there are many Vedas written, the most important is the Rig, which contains over 1,000 hymns directed to the gods. The content of these hymns includes praises, blessings, sacrifices, and curses.  These hymns are the major way in which the Aryan people praised their gods.  The subject of the hymns is the personification of the powers of nature.

The hymns are written in poetic form:

“This light hath come, of all the lights the fairest,
The brilliant brightness hath been born, far-shining,
Urged on to prompt the sun-god’s shining power.
Night and Morning clash not, nor yet do linger.”  (Bloomfield 30)

Here is another Vedic Song, I would like to share with you.

There was neither non-existence nor existence then; there was neither the realm of space nor the sky which beyond. What stirred? Where? In whose protection? Was there water, bottomlessly deep?

There was neither death nor immortality then. There was no distinguishing sign of night nor of day. That one breathed, windless, by its own impulse. Other than that there was nothing beyond.

Darkness was hidden by darkness in the beginning; with no distinguishing sign, all this was water. The life force that was covered with emptiness, that one arose through the power of heat.

Desire came upon that one in the beginning; that was the first seed of Mind/Consciousness. Poets seeking in their heart with wisdom found the bond of existence in non-existence.

Their cord was extended across. Was there below? Was there above? There were seed-placers; there were powers. There was impulse beneath; there was giving-forth above.

Who really knows? Who will here proclaim it? Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation? The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe. Who then knows whence it has arisen?

Whence this creation has arisen – perhaps it formed itself, or perhaps it did not – the one who looks down on it, in the highest heaven, only he knows – or perhaps he does not know.”

– from THE RIG VEDA trans Wendy Doniger ISBN 0140449892

A Reason And A Season – More Sathya Sai Memories

this you tube is best seen full screen. The photos have been retouched and are now in painterly style and very pretty. enjoy 



Once in Brindavan, as Bhagavan Baba was coming out for Darshan, He saw
four boys standing. Swami stopped and asked one of the boys, “What is
your name?” The boy told Baba his name. Swami then asked the same
question to the other three boys. Two of them gave their names but the
third one said, “I am Swami.” Baba then told that boy, “In that case,
go and give Darshan!” and moved away.

Man certainly is an aspect of God. In fact, as Swami says, man is God.
But this fact must be realised in the heart and not merely understood
in the head. And having realised this basic truth, man must always
have that Godly feeling. Merely declaring, “I am God!” will not do.

Swami in painterly style..

The Whole World – Sathya Sai Memories Cont.


♥♥♥,இڿڰۣ .S.♥.E.♥.V.♥.G.♥.İ.♥.L.♥.E.♥.R.♥.İ.♥.M.♥.L.♥.E.இڿڰۣ♥♥♥.


The Whole World

The whole world appears as containing innumerable names and forms. One
should not be enmeshed with these names and forms. It is only when the
names and forms are set aside and the underlying source is identified
that it is possible to recognise the truth. And that truth is
Tattwamasi (That Thou Art). That is Prajnanam Brahma (constant
integrated awareness is Brahman). That awareness is Ayam Atma Brahma
(This Self is Brahman). When you analyse the mahavakya Tattwamasi, it
will lead you to the awareness “I am That” and “That I am”.

When you
are able to realise this truth, you will find that the principle “I”
underlies everything in the universe as the principle of unity. We
have to recognise that “I” principle, which is universal. It is a
futile exercise to get into arguments and counter-arguments over this
matter and waste one’s time. The only aspect you have to realise is “I
am Brahman.” When somebody questions you who you are, the proper
answer would be “I am I”, “I am the word, I am the form, and I am the
name.” This “I” represents and explains everything. When somebody
questions who you are, do not reply by quoting your name. The name
represents the name given to the body. You are not the body. Hence
reply “I am I.” Everyone should strive to attain that state of unity.



the darshan area as I knew it in 1990. Old memories with many old friends in photo. 


Sai Gems – Sathya Sai Memories Cont.



True teaching is
always an epiphany:
sometimes a clap of thunder
…but often only a whisper,
easily missed.

Once Swami went to the hostel to give the joy of dining with the students. Faculty members were also invited. Swami after having just a spoonful of food as usual started supervising the serving. After all the students and staff had their food, Swami went to one plate and observed that a particular person left some food in the plate and left for washing his hands. Swami enquired as to who sat there and a particular individual was identified that he left the food (wasted). The gentleman apologised to Swami for wasting the food. But Swami did not accept it but said smilingly “If you left some food on your plate at  home, your wife would have had to clear it away but who you think will do it here?”.

Source: As narrated by a faculty member.



Sai Baba giving darshan during the 1980s under the old tree in Whitefield

Prof. Anil Kumar: Bhagavan! In our namavali, series of names of God,
we address God by so many names. We have more than a hundred names
‘ashtottara’ and a thousand names ‘sahasranama.’ Of these various
names, which is the best and the exact name of God?
Bhagavan: All names and forms are The Divine. There is nothing in the
universe, which is not Divine. You should consider God as the indweller
of your heart – hrudayavasi.
Draupadi, when she was being disrobed and humiliated, prayed to
Krishna for help, calling him ‘brindavana sancari’ and ‘mathura
natha’, which caused some delay in Krishna manifesting to save her. To
prove the truth of her prayerful words, Krishna had to go to Brindavan
and Mathura and then reach the open court to save her. Had she called
Krishna ‘Hrdayavasi’, the indweller of her heart He would have
appeared immediately before her and saved her straightaway from
disgrace. You sing ‘Brindavana sancari’ in your bhajans. Presently I
am in Kodaikanal. Are you not wrong? You sing, prasanthivasa,
parthivihara, ‘one who is in Prasanti Nilayam, moves about in
Puttaparti’, in your bhajans. Is it  right? No. I am in Kodaikanal, not
in Puttaparti or Prasanthi. But, if you say ‘Hrudayavasi’ the
indweller of your heart, though I may be physically anywhere, you will
get immediate response from Me.  ~ (COURTESY :RADIO SAI)



Krishna’s Song: the Bagavad Gita – Inspiration Quotations

Krishna - Image from Art Gallery in Delhi

I will tell thee a supreme mystery, because thy soul has faith. It is vision and wisdom and when known thou shalt be free from sin.

It is the supreme mystery and wisdom and the purification supreme. Seen in a wonder of vision, it is a path of righteousness very easy to follow, leading to the highest End.

But those who have no faith in this Truth, come not unto me: they return to the cycles of life in death.

All this visible universe comes from my invisible Being. All beings have their rest in me, but I have no rest in them.

And in truth they rest not in me: consider my sacred mystery. I am the source of all beings, but I have not my rest in them.

Even as the mighty winds rest in the vastness of the ethereal space, all beings have their rest in me. Know thou this truth.

At the end of the night of time all things return to my nature; and when the new day of time begins I bring them again into light.

Thus through my nature I bring forth all creation, and this rolls round in the circles of time.

But I am not bound by this vast work of creation. I am and I watch the drama of works.

I watch and in its work of creation nature brings forth all that moves and moves not: and thus the revolutions of the world go round.

But the fools of the world know not me when they see me in my own human body. They know not my Spirit supreme, the infinite God of this all.

Their hope is in vain, their works are in vain, their learning is in vain, their thoughts are in vain. They fall down to the nature of demons, towards the darkness and of delusion of hell.

But there are some great souls who know me: their refuge is my own divine nature. They love me with a oneness of love: they know that I am the source of all.

They praise me with devotion, they praise me for ever and ever. Their vows are strong; their harmony is ever one; and they worship me with their love.

Others worship me, and work for me, with the sacrifice of spiritual vision. They worship me as One and as many, because they see that all is in me.

For I am the sacrifice and the offering, the sacred gift and the sacred plant. I am the holy words, the holy food, the holy fire, and the offering that is made in the fire.

I am the Father of the universe, and even the Source of the Father. I am the Mother of the universe, and the Creator of all. I am the Highest to be known, the Path of purification, the holy AUM, the Three Vedas.

I am the Way, and the Master who watches in silence; thy friend and thy shelter and thy abode of peace. I am the beginning and the middle and the end of all things: their seed of Eternity, their Treasure supreme.”



Trans Juan Mascaro ISBN 9780140449181

Krishna Images: courtesy of Exotic India Art Gallery, New Delhi.