The Dream Of The Planet, Don Miguel Ruiz – Video


A brief post from the Masterful Don Miguel Ruiz, called the “Dream Of The Planet” –  a follow-on from my last post  “Every Human Is An Artist,” (Prayers – A Communion With Our Creator) blogged  from a month ago, and  posted on June 22, 2014 . I hope some of you will remember it...

I thought I’d offer another excerpt from “Prayers – A Communion With Our Creator“, as this little book is just crammed full of gems of wisdom and other truths. All prayer is a communion of the human with the divine. Whether prayers are offered in love or gratitude and inspiration, or from fear, despair, or desperation, we talk heart-to-heart with divine spirit. When we don’t pray, and I must say, I don’t pray as often as I used to, we feel more alone, cut off from our own hearts, and our own power. When I don’t pray, I write posts like this, because positive writing is a prayer, it is an agreement between the heart and the divine, an investment in faith, and helps foster the intent.


~ Thank you, eve

“Together with my new post is kwisital,s eye-catching you tube, “AWAKENING INTO INFINITE LOVE AND LIGHT.”  Kwisital is a French guy with a deft hand with both music and film, he creates pretty amazing you tubes often using English quotations. I love his imagery and his creativity, use of color and sound. I hope you will take two or three minutes to watch his you tube.


The dream of the planet is the dream of all humans together. We can call it society, we can call it a nation, but the result of the creation of the mind, individual and collective, is a dream. The dream can be a pleasant dream that we call heaven or it can be a nightmare, that we call hell. But heaven and hell only exist at the level of the mind.

The human society, the dream of the planet is ruled by lies, and fear is the result. It is a dream where humans judge one another, find one another guilty, and punish one another. Humans use the power of the word to gossip and to hurt one another. Misuse of the word creates emotional poison, and all the emotional poison is in the dream. It goes around the world, and that is what most humans eat:  “emotional poison.”  The dream of the planet prepares newborn humans to believe what it wants them to believe. In that dream, there is no justice; there is only injustice. Nothing is perfect; there is only imperfection. That is why humans eternally search for justice, for happiness, and for love.

For thousands of years people have believe there is a conflict between good and evil in the universe. But this is not true. The real conflicts is between truth and what is not truth. The conflict exists in the human mind, not in the rest of nature. Good and evil are the result of that conflict. Believing in truth results in goodness; believing in and defending what is not truth results in evil. Evil is just the result of believing in lies.

Sai brings Comfort Through Dream -Sathya Sai Memories

A  Dream About My Pet Cat Buster

Swami’s love for animals is well-known. He speaks about them with real affection and tenderness. He also cares for devotees pets too. I have experienced his care for animals many times. One incident of his love for animals  I remember well and would like to share it.

One night many years ago, I lay awake worrying about my Siamese cat Buster, who suffered chronic tummy problems. We had two Siamese cats at the time, but Buster was often quite sick and I was afraid of losing him.

Moreover, my visit to Swami had been booked and I did not want to cancel it. But I did NOT  want to leave Buster. I was afraid I might not see him again.  Exhausted, by these thoughts, I fell asleep eventually.

During the night I had a beautiful dream of Swami. He was sitting  on a chair in  a friend’s bhajan hall and I was sitting toward the back. Swami beckoned to me to come forward. I moved to the front to sit beside him.  On looking down, I found to my surprise, Buster  sitting on my lap! Swami smiled and stroked him on the head and Buster, typical of Siamese cats, meowed most loudly. Then the dream faded.

Buster, with the help of a brand new diet, overcame his stomach problems and is still with us today. He is now fourteen years old and in sound health. Sadly, our other cat Orchid, died last year. My grief over her loss was so severe, I wrote a long letter to Swami telling him all about her. He lovingly took the letter earlier this year.

This is a very old story. Buster died in 2002. He now comes to me through dreams from time to time….and I can still feel the love that formed a strong bond  between us during his lifetime.


Buster as a young cat

Dreams Of Sai -Sathya Sai Memories

This beautiful dream story has been passed to me for publishing here.

The beginning of the dream:

“Somebody unknown to me rang  at 5 a.m.  on my cell phone. Normally this is the time for me to go gym but I did not feel like it.The first thing I felt was being upset with Swami, “Saying to myself, Swami why did you not come to my dream I was so much expecting to see you….” ! I then fell asleep again after 5 a.m…..then I saw Swami very young, beautiful….First I was on his right side, there were green flowers between us, huge masses of them. Many people stood there in front of us. Swami was  giving a speech, it seemed like the year was 1950’…something like that.

Later I was sitting on some  steps … waiting for him to come down from what appeared to be an auditorium hall…..Swami came from  the top of the stairs and stopped by my side.

He materialized what appeared to be large amounts  of Kumkum. He, at first, began to put the kumkum on my forehead, then continued and covered the whole centre of my head. It felt, to me, very like  I was at a wedding ceremony; when the husband places  Kumkum on his wife’s head..I felt so much love. I  felt he’d  married me again…

I held his hands with my namaskaram position…His hand felt so soft.  I could feel lots of love flowing through me..My eyes were closed and all I wanted to do is feel his love through me and wanted to freeze the moment . Keep it forever with me.  I just did not want to let it go but at the same time I felt many people were waiting for him. I needed to let him go. Swami said beautifully, “Your love to me is Like Radha’s love for Krishna!!” and smiled.

I cried many tears.  They tears were simply bursting from my eyes. I touched  both his feet and kissed them. Such a beautiful feeling…

My whole body,  from top to bottom, was covered with  Kumkum materialized by swami..People around me were telling me he’d poured too much but I felt elated!

Once I opened my eyes,  it was 7 a.m.  Ram was trying to wake me up..But I did not want to wake, I wanted to stay there with Swami.


‘Chez Moi’ – A Dream – Sathya Sai Memories


Toffee Chocolate Prasad Dream

In this dream, I was with an old friend beside the meditation tree. We were discussing how difficult it was to see swami now, having a little moan about how things had changed. Suddenly, there was swami! He took my hand and began shaking it in a ‘how-do-you-do’ fashion. He said “Oh! You’re here” – and other words I did not catch. He continued to shake my hand, then he ended with “Now, must go – ‘Chez Moi’. ”  He let go of my hand and when I looked at it, it was full of melted chocolate or toffee. He had held my hand and, I suppose, had placed a toffee there which had squashed with the hand shaking. I was happy with the ‘prasad’ even though I had to peel it off my hand! I gave some to my friend and others, but told them all, I could not give it all away as my husband deserved some.


LEARN¸.•´* ♥ become aware of soul lessons*`•.¸(¯`•.•´¯)¸.•´* ♥ LET
GO¸.•´* ♥MOVE ON¸.•´* ♥ with joy •, LOVE ♥ gratitude•

Kodaikanal Experiences From The 1990’s – Sathya Sai Memories

Many times Sai Baba has said that He knows all about us, our weaknesses and strengths, our past, present and future. And with this all knowing knowledge He can help us improve ourselves if we are willing to let Him. He can guide us through difficult times, protect us, even save our lives if our karma is that way. He can transform us and make us wiser human beings too, but it takes time and we need to listen carefully to His every word.

.•°°¸.•*¨`*• ´♫

Sai’s instructions are often subtle. He may be talking to someone else and say something that, if we are alert, allows us to see our own situation in a new light. In other words He uses hints rather than direct commands.

One morning in 1999, in Kodaikanal, Sai strolled along the line of ladies seated in the patient area, taking letters and blessing photos but suddenly stopped in front of an elderly lady seated near me and asked her sweetly,

“Are you leaving?”

With a puzzled look, the lady answered “Oh no Swami.”

He looked happy and said, “good girl, you stay.”

The lady next to me turned and whispered in my ear,

“It’s you that wants to leave, I remember you said so before darshan. I bet He means you.” She chuckled in a knowing way.

She was absolutely right about my wanting to leave. I had remarked to several people before darshan that I felt unwell and perhaps I’d better leave earlier than planned.

Now what to do? I had heard Sai’s instruction to the lady and heard her puzzled reply. Obviously she had no intention of leaving now or any time soon. Could Sai have meant me? I really didn’t know. But His short conversation with the lady had given me much to think about.

Back In the quiet of my hotel room, I sat and thought about the trip. It had been a tough one. My husband had suffered a serious accident a few months before and the trauma of it had left me exhausted and stressed. In fact, I had cancelled my planned trip to India in early March due to my husband’s poor health and my own exhaustion.

Then a few nights later, I had a vivid dream of Sai welcoming me in a warm way, and offering me vibuthi. On waking I decided the dream was a ‘hint’ to go ahead and re-book my trip. Later on that morning I did so, and left on Easter Sunday for Whitefield.

Later on in Kodaikanal, I developed severe stomach problems due to the weather and this only added to my stress. Luckily, the patient’s darshan line is on the ramp which afforded us close darshan of Sai every day. Even so, my stomach problems grew steadily worse and thoughts about returning home were constantly on my mind but somehow I couldn’t bring myself to leave.

The weather worsened in Kodaikanal and we were often out in the rain. On the afternoon of the 5th May, while we were lining up for afternoon bhajans, the heavens opened and there was a torrential down-pour. The lines of ladies waiting outside suddenly surged forward and scrambled for the hall and I found myself swept along with them. After a lot of pushing, the gush of ladies were allowed inside the hall. Being a patient, I was offered a chair and with a large sigh of relief, I sat down. My clothes were drenched and clung uncomfortably to my back and my little silk shawl was so sodden I had to threw it away. I felt uncomfortable and  began to make plans to leave again.

By the time Sai came for bhajans I  had ‘dried out,’ but the storm continued to rage outside. Thunder clapped and lightning flashed and we shuddered and shivered as the rain came in through the door. Sai, of course, sensing our mood stayed a long time blessings us all the time.

The storm continue unabated through the bhajan and worsened just as we were leaving the hall. I was about to leave myself, when a stranger approached me and said,

“Don’t leave without Swami’s permission.” Her face was serious, her penetrating eyes  full of concern.

“Do you mean the hall?” I replied, unable to analyse her meaning.

“Don’t leave.” She said and again she emphasised, “Stay with Swami.”

.•°°¸.•*¨`*• ´♫

Astonished by her knowledge of my thoughts, I stood puzzled. How could she have possibly known of my leaving plans? I didn’t know her and only vaguely remember seeing her in the darshan line.

She continued,

“Tomorrow is Easwaramma day and several years ago, Swami gave us saris and He may do so again. ” She said enthusiastically. “I’m sure you would like a sari from Swami.”

“Yes,” I nodded, “a sari would be a splendid gift.”

Then I turned and ran out of the hall and into the rain with her words still ringing in my ears. Had Sai indirectly, given me another message? His way of telling me to stay – perhaps?

Easwaramma day dawned dull and chilly. I joined the darshan line and sat down with the other ladies on the muddy sidewalk. Cold wind penetrated our wool shawls and we shivered and groaned with the cold. Not only was it chilly and damp it was also very crowded as local people had come for the festival

When the ashram gates opened, the seva dal seated the patients along the red carpet. We had no idea of what Sai would do that morning but our hearts lightened at being given such splendid seats. To add to our good fortune a pale morning sun suddenly emerged from behind the grey clouds.

Sai came out around eight a.m, he. walked slowly along the red carpet on the ramp, while giving each lady a precious sari. He smiled, joked and teased us, love just flowed from Him and warmed our hearts. After all the ladies had received saris, He returned to stroll up and down several times while prasad was being distributed. As He moved slowly among us there were several opportunities to touch his feet. A heavenly morning filled with love, but one I almost missed.

Sai only gives instructions to help us. If we want to make the most of our time with Him, then we need to follow his commands, not only the obvious ones but the subtle ones too. And if we truly believe in Him, that He is a being who has transcended individual consciousness and merged with the Supreme, then we would be foolish to ignore His instructions, however mundane they may sound at the time.


p.s. The sari I received was pink with orange flowers. I never wore it. At that time I did not wear saris. The sari was packed away in my suitcase and stored in the loft of our house. Sadly, when looking for it a few years later, it had disappeared altogether. We searched high and low for the sari but it had disappeared and was never to be found. The truth is that I would never have worn the sari anyway. Sai knew this at the time. Perhaps he decided to take it back…… It was the only time the gift of a sari had come my way. There was never another…………

.•°°¸.•*¨`*• ´♫

from the story:

Then a few nights later, I had a vivid dream of Sai welcoming me in a warm way, and offering me vibuthi. On waking I decided the dream was a ‘hint’ to go ahead and re-book my trip. Later on that morning I did so, and left on Easter Sunday for Whitefield.”

While at Kodaikanal, I had  not bought a packet of vibuthi for Swami to bless. I thought to myself,  if he wants me to have some, he will create it himself. He did not do so. Instead, a Danish friend, Ann Katherine, urged me to buy a packet of vibuthi but I forgot to do so. Towards the end of my visit, Ann Katherine, decided she would buy me a packet of vibuthi instead. She gave it to me one morning and ordered me to, “take it to darshan.” I did so. Swami blessed the yellow packet of  vibuthi with a gentle touch. 🙂

Swami and The Animals – Sathya Sai Memories


A  Dream About My Pet Cat Buster


Swami’s love for animals is well-known. He speaks about them with real affection and tenderness. He also cares for devotees pets too. I have experienced his care for animals many times. One incident of his love for animals  I remember well and would like to share it.

One night many years ago, I lay awake worrying about my Siamese cat Buster, who suffered chronic tummy problems. We had two Siamese cats at the time, but Buster was often quite sick and I was afraid of losing him.

Moreover, my visit to Swami had been booked and I did not want to cancel it. But I did NOT  want to leave Buster. I was afraid I might not see him again.  Exhausted, by these thoughts, I fell asleep eventually.

During the night I had a beautiful dream of Swami. He was sitting  on a chair in  a friend’s bhajan hall and I was sitting toward the back. Swami beckoned to me to come forward. I moved to the front to sit beside him.  On looking down, I found to my surprise, Buster  sitting on my lap! Swami smiled and stroked him on the head and Buster, typical of Siamese cats, meowed most loudly. Then the dream faded.

Buster, with the help of a brand new diet, overcame his stomach problems and is still with us today. He is now fourteen years old and in sound health. Sadly, our other cat Orchid, died last year. My grief over her loss was so severe, I wrote a long letter to Swami telling him all about her. He lovingly took the letter earlier this year.

This is a very old story. Buster died in 2002. He now comes to me through dreams from time to time….and I can still feel the love that formed such a bond  between during his lifetime.
